This article is part of the CakeDC Advent Calendar 2024 (December 4th 2024)
Other Articles in the Series
- Building Dynamic Web Applications with CakePHP and HTMX: A Practical Guide
- Building Dynamic Web Applications with CakePHP and HTMX: Advanced Features
Implementing Infinite Table Pagination
Our implementation maintains the same controller logic from the previous article, but introduces significant view changes. We've removed the traditional pagination block and instead added pagination functionality as the last table row when there's content to load. This creates a seamless scrolling experience without explicit page numbers. When this last row is revealed, htmx will load the next page of results.<?php
// templates/Post/infinite.php
$rows = 0;
<div id="posts" class="posts index content">
<?php $this->start('posts'); ?>
<?= $this->Html->link(__('New Post'), ['action' => 'add'], ['class' => 'button float-right']) ?>
<h3><?= __('Posts') ?></h3>
<div class="table-container">
<div id="table-loading" class="htmx-indicator">
<div class="spinner"></div>
<div class="table-responsive">
<table id="posts-table">
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('id') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('title') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('is_published') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('created') ?></th>
<th><?= $this->Paginator->sort('modified') ?></th>
<th class="actions"><?= __('Actions') ?></th>
<?php foreach ($posts as $post): ?>
<tr class="item-container">
<td><?= $this->Number->format($post->id) ?></td>
<td><?= h($post->title) ?></td>
<td><?= h($post->is_published) ?></td>
<td><?= h($post->created) ?></td>
<td><?= h($post->modified) ?></td>
<td class="actions">
<?= $this->Html->link(__('View'), ['action' => 'view', $post->id]) ?>
<?= $this->Html->link(__('Edit'), ['action' => 'edit', $post->id]) ?>
<?= $this->Form->postLink(__('Delete'), ['action' => 'delete', $post->id], ['confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete # {0}?', $post->id)]) ?>
<?php $rows++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($rows > 0): ?>
hx-get="<?= $this->Paginator->generateUrl(['page' => $this->Paginator->current() + 1]) ?>"
hx-select="#posts-table tbody tr"
<td class="text-center" colspan="6">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center py-2">
<i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin me-2"></i>
<span><?= __('Loading more...') ?></span>
<?php elseif (($this->getRequest()->getQuery('page', 1) == 1)): ?>
<td class="text-center" colspan="6"><?= __('No items found') ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $this->end(); ?>
<?= $this->fetch('posts'); ?>
The htmx attributes used for table pagination are:
: Specifies the URL for the next page of resultshx-select
: Targets only the table rows from the responsehx-swap="outerHTML"
: Replaces the loading row with new contenthx-trigger="intersect"
: Activates when the element becomes visible in the viewportclass="infinite-paginator"
: Allows styling of the loading indicator
Card-Based Infinite Pagination
Card-based layouts are increasingly important for modern frontend designs, especially for content-rich applications. This layout style provides better visual hierarchy and improved readability for certain types of content. Instead of bind htmx to last table row, we bind htmx to last card in the grid, and when this card is revealed, htmx will load the next page of results.<?php
// templates/Post/cards.php
$rows = 0;
<div id="posts" class="posts index content">
<?php $this->start('posts'); ?>
<?= $this->Html->link(__('New Post'), ['action' => 'add'], ['class' => 'button float-right']) ?>
<h3><?= __('Posts') ?></h3>
<div class="row">
<div class="cards-grid">
<?php foreach ($posts as $index => $post): ?>
<div class="card item-container"
<?php if ($index === count($posts) - 1): ?>
hx-get="<?= $this->Paginator->generateUrl(['page' => $this->Paginator->current() + 1]) ?>"
hx-headers='{"HX-Disable-Loader": "true"}'
<?php endif; ?>>
<div class="card-content">
<h3><?= h($post->title) ?></h3>
<p class="post-body"><?= h($post->body) ?></h3>
<p class="post-created"><?= h($post->created) ?></p>
<?php $rows++; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php if ($rows > 0): ?>
<div id="infinite-scroll-indicator" class="d-flex justify-content-center align-items-center py-3">
<i class="fas fa-spinner fa-spin me-2"></i>
<span><?= __('Loading more...') ?></span>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php $this->end(); ?>
<?= $this->fetch('posts'); ?>
The htmx attributes for card-based pagination differ slightly from the table implementation:
: Triggers when the last card becomes visiblehx-target="this"
: Targets the current card elementhx-swap="afterend"
: Places new content after the current elementhx-headers
: Disables the default loading indicator
instead of intersect
for cards because it provides better control over the trigger point. The hx-target="this"
is crucial here as it allows us to maintain proper positioning of new cards in the grid layout. Unlike the table implementation, we can't remove the loader div in the same way, which is why we have to use a different approach for handling the loading state.
.cards-grid {
display: grid;
grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(300px, 1fr));
gap: 1.5rem;
padding: 1.5rem;
.cards-grid .card {
background: white;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
padding: 1rem;
position: relative;
.cards-grid .card-content {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
gap: 0.75rem;
.cards-grid .post-body {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
.cards-grid .post-created {
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 0.875rem;
color: #666;
.cards-grid .field-value {
margin-top: 0.25rem;
@media (max-width: 640px) {
.cards-grid {
grid-template-columns: 1fr;
padding: 1rem;
.cards-grid .infinite-scroll-trigger {
width: 100%;
min-height: 60px;
margin-bottom: 1.5rem;
Enhanced Table Row Deletion
With infinite loading implemented, we want to avoid full page reloads when deleting items. This creates a more fluid user experience and maintains the scroll position.Initial Layout Setup
To support our enhanced deletion functionality, we need to add CSRF protection and pass it to htmx requests.# /templates/layout/default.php
<meta name="csrf-token" content="<?= $this->request->getAttribute('csrfToken') ?>">
We also need to include toast library to display messages.
# /templates/layout/default.php
<?= $this->Html->css('toast'); ?>
<?= $this->Html->script('toast'); ?>
Controller Updates for Delete Action
The delete action now supports two modes: traditional and htmx-based deletion. When using htmx, the response includes a JSON object containing the status message and instructions for removing the deleted item from the DOM.<?php
public function delete($id = null)
$this->request->allowMethod(['post', 'delete']);
$post = $this->Posts->get($id);
$deleted = $this->Posts->delete($post);
if ($deleted) {
$message = __('The post has been deleted.');
$status = 'success';
} else {
$message = __('The post could not be deleted. Please, try again.');
$status = 'error';
if ($this->getRequest()->is('htmx')) {
$response = [
'messages' => [
['message' => $message, 'status' => $status],
'removeContainer' => true,
return $this->getResponse()
->withHeader('X-Response-Type', 'json')
} else {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'index']);
View Updates for Delete Action
We're replacing the standard CakePHP form postLink with a htmx-based delete link. This approach allows us to handle the deletion process entirely through JavaScript, providing a more dynamic and seamless user experience. We define container class for item to be deleted, in case of table this istr.item-container
, in case of cards this is div.card.item-container
Standard CakePHP Form PostLink
# /templates/Post/infinite.php
<?= $this->Form->postLink(__('Delete'), ['action' => 'delete', $post->id], ['confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete # {0}?', $post->id)]) ?>
HTMX-Based Delete Link
# /templates/Post/infinite.php
<?php $csrfToken = $this->getRequest()->getAttribute('csrfToken');
$linkOptions = [
'hx-delete' => $this->Url->build(['action' => 'delete', $post->id]),
'hx-confirm' => __('Are you sure you want to delete # {0}?', $post->id),
'hx-target' => 'closest .item-container',
'hx-headers' => json_encode([
'X-CSRF-Token' => $csrfToken,
'Accept' => 'application/json',
'href' => 'javascript:void(0)',
echo $this->Html->tag('a', __('Delete'), $linkOptions); ?>
htmx allow define headers in htmx-delete link, so we can include CSRF token and accept JSON response.
The htmx attributes for deletion:
: Specifies the deletion endpointhx-confirm
: Shows a confirmation dialoghx-target
: Targets the container of the item to be deletedhx-headers
: Includes necessary CSRF token and accepts JSON response
HTMX JavaScript Callbacks
The JavaScript code handles two main aspects:configRequest
: Ensures CSRF token is included in all htmx requestsbeforeSwap
: Manages the response handling, including:- Displaying toast notifications
- Animating the removal of deleted items
- Handling page reloads when necessary
# /templates/Post/infinite.php
let toasts = new Toasts({
offsetX: 20,
offsetY: 20,
gap: 20,
width: 300,
timing: 'ease',
duration: '.5s',
dimOld: true,
position: 'top-right',
dismissible: true,
autoClose: true,
document.addEventListener('htmx:configRequest', function(event) {
const element = event.detail.elt;
const csrfToken = document.querySelector('meta[name="csrf-token"]').getAttribute('content');
if (csrfToken) {
event.detail.headers['X-CSRF-Token'] = csrfToken;
document.addEventListener('htmx:beforeSwap', function(evt) {
const xhr = evt.detail.xhr;
const responseType = xhr.getResponseHeader('X-Response-Type');
if (responseType === 'json') {
try {
const data = JSON.parse(xhr.responseText);
evt.detail.shouldSwap = false;
if (data.messages) {
data.messages.forEach(message => {
title: message.message,
content: '',
style: message.status,
dismissAfter: '10s',
dismissible: true,
if (data.removeContainer) {
const item ='.item-container');
if (item) {
evt.detail.shouldSwap = false; = 'opacity 0.5s ease-out'; = '0';
setTimeout(() => { = 'max-height 0.5s ease-out'; = '0';
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500);
}, 500);
if (data.reload) {
if (data.url) {
window.location.href = data.url;
} else {
} catch (e) {
console.error('JSON parsing error:', e);