iWorkZone envisioned a disruptive solution for Talent Mining, Matching and Management. After unworthy experience with another vendor, iWorkZone partnered up with CakeDC to build their vision over a stable system, enabling them to engage with their customers with a bug free and fully functional application. Facing time and budget limitations, CakeDC’s leadership and knowledge in CakePHP was crucial to get iWorkZone vision to a profitable stage and conquer their own leadership position.
Designed for rapid application development (RAD), CakePHP is the best option to build your vision fast and consistently. With CakePHP, you can build your idea in weeks instead of months. It’s available to download and use for free and it only takes 15 minutes to install.
CakePHP also reduces the large amount of code and uses convention over configuration, which allows the framework to make assumptions about your code. The MVC design removes the need to combine complex components or design an application architecture. You can have your first functionality running before lunch, with all the code generation tools included.
There are few barriers to entry. The simple syntax, common sense design, application scaffolding and code generation tools of CakePHP will allow you to prototype and validate your idea fast, leaving your application ready for a solid growth.
Telfer School of Management, University of Ottawa
The University of Ottawa is a public research university in Ottawa, Canada, and a major economic force in the National Capital Region. In order to have their team able to rewrite to 3.0 and build new features, CakeDC provided regular consultation and assisted development on a case by case basis. Growing their in house knowledge of CakePHP while quickly building new features, CakeDC was able to solve immediate issues and prepare the University team for future growth at the same time.
CakePHP has a flexible directory structure for custom environments. It also provides support for the most popular database vendors, as well as extensive logging and caching capabilities. Moreover, its tried and tested security features will keep you sleeping with no worries.
Boasting 10 years of success, the architecture provided by the framework allows for a reduction in effort to delivery, so your team can focus on building great features. CakePHP supports unit testing with PHPUnit out-of-the-box, and there are thousands of plugins available to extend and enhance the framework beyond its core capabilities.
Julian Sander needed a solution for his Art Gallery that could manage, track and handle his sales of Art pieces. CakeDC developed a scalable API enabling Sander's Gallery to add vendors without any heavy overhead and modification on their part. Based in the art industry, it required a higher level of sensitivity and security of information between clients and vendors. The team added extra authentication steps and ensured the most up-to-date security best practices were used.
CakePHP Features
- MVC ready, out of the box!
- Built for rapid application development
- Composer based installer
- Code generation and scaffolding tools
- Convention over configuration design
- Secure by default, with built-in security
- MySQL, Postgres, MSSQL and SQLite
- Full database abstraction through models
- Extensive i18n and l10n support
- Powerful routing for SEO and SEM
- Flexible view templates system
- Includes support for caching engines
- Fully extensible with custom plugins
- Support for 3rd party vendor libraries
- Open sourced under the MIT license
Save Money
CakePHP rapid development allows you to considerably reduce your time to market. Based on PHP, one of the most popular scripting languages, finding developers is relatively easy, and a lot less costly than other commercial solutions. This helps you save your most valuable resources: time and money, without any purchase cost or licensing fees.
Increase your productivity even more by working with the experts behind the framework.
A leading Australian dual sector university based in Queensland, CQUniversity is Australia’s largest regional university with over 35,000 students, 20+ locations and 300+ TAFE and University qualifications. In order to implement a Credit Calculator and Application solution to be integrated with their existing website, and facing a short time frame and a fixed budget, CakeDC provided a suitable and efficient solution to best meet the client’s requirements, building the platform from scratch within a tight deadline.
How to use CakePHP
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One of the most attractive features of CakePHP is the huge community around the project. With some 15,000 followers on Twitter , there's no doubting the incredible popularity of CakePHP. For the more technically oriented, there are also 20,000 questions and counting on Stack Overflow, and even more from 600 users connected daily to the #cakephp IRC and Slack channels.