This article is part of the CakeDC Advent Calendar 2024 (December 15th 2024)
Introduction to the Creator of DCI
The Data-Context-Interaction (DCI) architectural pattern was introduced by Trygve Reenskaug, a Norwegian computer scientist and software engineer. Reenskaug is well known for his contributions to object-oriented programming and design. He is also famous for the development of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern, which has become a foundational concept in software architecture, especially in web development.
Other artciles of the series
The Emergence of DCI
Reenskaug introduced the DCI pattern as a way to address some of the limitations he observed in traditional object-oriented programming. The DCI pattern aims to separate the concerns of data (the model), the context in which that data is used (the interaction), and the interactions themselves (the roles that objects play in specific scenarios). This separation allows for more maintainable, understandable, and flexible code, making it easier to adapt to changing business requirements.
Classic Implementation
The classic example used to introduce the DCI pattern is the money transfer scenario. This example show how DCI separates the roles of data, context, and interaction, allowing for a clearer understanding of how objects interact in a system. By modeling the transfer of funds between accounts, we can see how the roles of TransferSource and TransferDestination are defined, encapsulating the behaviors associated with withdrawing and depositing money. This separation enhances code maintainability and readability, making it easier to adapt to changing business requirements.
classDiagram class TransferSource { +BigDecimal balance +updateBalance(newBalance: BigDecimal): Unit +withdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Unit +canWithdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean } class TransferDestination { +BigDecimal balance +updateBalance(newBalance: BigDecimal): Unit +deposit(amount: BigDecimal): Unit } class Account { +String id +BigDecimal balance } class MoneyTransfer { +Account source +Account destination +BigDecimal amount +execute(): Unit } Account ..|> TransferSource : implements Account ..|> TransferDestination : implements MoneyTransfer --> TransferSource : uses MoneyTransfer --> TransferDestination : uses
In the money transfer example, we typically have two accounts: a source account from which funds are withdrawn and a destination account where the funds are deposited. The DCI pattern allows us to define the behaviors associated with these roles separately from the data structure of the accounts themselves. This means that the logic for transferring money can be encapsulated in a context, such as a MoneyTransfer class, which orchestrates the interaction between the source and destination accounts. By doing so, we achieve a more modular and flexible design that can easily accommodate future changes or additional features, such as transaction logging or validation rules.
sequenceDiagram participant M as Main participant S as Source Account participant D as Destination Account participant MT as MoneyTransfer M->>S: new Account("1", 1000) with TransferSource M->>D: new Account("2", 500) with TransferDestination M->>MT: new MoneyTransfer(source, destination, 100) M->>MT: execute() MT->>S: canWithdraw(100) alt Source can withdraw S-->>MT: true MT->>S: withdraw(100) S->>S: updateBalance(900) MT->>D: deposit(100) D->>D: updateBalance(600) else Source cannot withdraw S-->>MT: false MT->>M: throw Exception("Source cannot withdraw") end
First, I want to show the classic implementation in Scala. By Trygve the language is well suited for this pattern, as traits implementation allow to define the roles and the context in a very clean way and mixins traits into the objects allow explicitely define the roles of the each object.
trait TransferSource {
def balance: BigDecimal
def updateBalance(newBalance: BigDecimal): Unit
def withdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Unit = {
require(amount > 0, "Amount must be positive")
require(balance >= amount, "Insufficient funds")
updateBalance(balance - amount)
def canWithdraw(amount: BigDecimal): Boolean =
amount > 0 && balance >= amount
trait TransferDestination {
def balance: BigDecimal
def updateBalance(newBalance: BigDecimal): Unit
def deposit(amount: BigDecimal): Unit = {
require(amount > 0, "Amount must be positive")
updateBalance(balance + amount)
case class Account(id: String, var balance: BigDecimal)
class MoneyTransfer(
source: Account with TransferSource,
destination: Account with TransferDestination,
amount: BigDecimal
) {
def execute(): Unit = {
require(source.canWithdraw(amount), "Source cannot withdraw")
object Main extends App {
val source = new Account("1", 1000) with TransferSource
val dest = new Account("2", 500) with TransferDestination
val transfer = new MoneyTransfer(source, dest, 100)
Basic PHP Implementation
Some languages don't have the same level of flexibility and expressiveness as Scala. Most obvious approach is class wrapper definition for actor roles. I see both pros and cons of this approach. The pros are that it's very easy to understand and implement. The cons are that it's not very flexible and it's not very easy to extend and require additional boilerplate code.
Here is the sequence diagram of the implementation:
sequenceDiagram participant MT as MoneyTransfer participant S as MoneySource participant D as MoneyDestination participant Source as Source Account participant Destination as Destination Account MT->>S: bind(Source) S->>Source: validatePlayer(Source) alt Player is valid S-->>MT: Player bound successfully else Player is invalid S-->>MT: throw Exception("Player does not meet role requirements") end MT->>D: bind(Destination) D->>Destination: validatePlayer(Destination) alt Player is valid D-->>MT: Player bound successfully else Player is invalid D-->>MT: throw Exception("Player does not meet role requirements") end MT->>S: withdraw(amount) S->>Source: getBalance() Source-->>S: balance alt Insufficient funds S-->>MT: throw Exception("Insufficient funds") else Sufficient funds S->>Source: setBalance(newBalance) S-->>MT: Withdrawal successful end MT->>D: deposit(amount) D->>Destination: getBalance() Destination-->>D: currentBalance D->>Destination: setBalance(newBalance) D-->>MT: Deposit successful MT->>S: unbind() MT->>D: unbind()
- First, let's create the Data part (domain objects):
// /src/Model/Entity/Account.php
namespace App\Model\Entity;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
class Account extends Entity
protected $_accessible = [
'balance' => true,
'name' => true
protected float $balance;
public function getBalance(): float
return $this->get('balance');
public function setBalance(float $amount): void
$this->set('balance', $amount);
- Create Role management classes:
// /src/Context/Contracts/RoleInterface.php
namespace App\Context\Contracts;
interface RoleInterface
public function bind($player): void;
public function unbind(): void;
public function getPlayer();
// /src/Context/Roles/AbstractRole.php
namespace App\Context\Roles;
use App\Context\Contracts\RoleInterface;
abstract class AbstractRole implements RoleInterface
protected $player;
public function bind($player): void
if (!$this->validatePlayer($player)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Player does not meet role requirements');
$this->player = $player;
public function unbind(): void
$this->player = null;
public function getPlayer()
return $this->player;
abstract protected function validatePlayer($player): bool;
- Create roles that define transfer behaviors:
// /src/Context/Roles/MoneySource.php
namespace App\Context\Roles;
use App\Model\Entity\Account;
class MoneySource extends AbstractRole
protected function validatePlayer($player): bool
return $player instanceof Account
&& method_exists($player, 'getBalance')
&& method_exists($player, 'setBalance');
public function withdraw(float $amount): void
$balance = $this->player->getBalance();
if ($balance < $amount) {
throw new \Exception('Insufficient funds');
$this->player->setBalance($balance - $amount);
// /src/Context/Roles/MoneyDestination.php
namespace App\Context\Roles;
use App\Model\Entity\Account;
class MoneyDestination extends AbstractRole
protected function validatePlayer($player): bool
return $player instanceof Account
&& method_exists($player, 'getBalance')
&& method_exists($player, 'setBalance');
public function deposit(float $amount): void
$currentBalance = $this->player->getBalance();
$this->player->setBalance($currentBalance + $amount);
- Create the context that orchestrates the transfer:
// /src/Context/MoneyTransfer.php
namespace App\Context;
use App\Model\Entity\Account;
use App\Context\Roles\MoneySource;
use App\Context\Roles\MoneyDestination;
class MoneyTransfer
private MoneySource $sourceRole;
private MoneyDestination $destinationRole;
private float $amount;
public function __construct(Account $source, Account $destination, float $amount)
$this->sourceRole = new MoneySource();
$this->destinationRole = new MoneyDestination();
$this->amount = $amount;
public function execute(): void
try {
} finally {
public function __destruct()
- Implements controller logic
// /src/Controller/AccountsController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Context\MoneyTransfer;
class AccountsController extends AppController
public $Accounts;
public function initialize(): void
$this->Accounts = $this->fetchTable('Accounts');
public function transfer()
if ($this->request->is(['post'])) {
$sourceAccount = $this->Accounts->get($this->request->getData('source_id'));
$destinationAccount = $this->Accounts->get($this->request->getData('destination_id'));
$amount = (float)$this->request->getData('amount');
try {
$context = new MoneyTransfer($sourceAccount, $destinationAccount, $amount);
$this->Flash->success('Transfer completed successfully');
} catch (\Exception $e) {
return $this->redirect(['action' => 'transfer']);
$this->set('accounts', $this->Accounts->find('list', valueField: ['name'])->all());
Synthesizing DCI Pattern with CakePHP's Architectural Philosophy
One can look at the roles like a behaviors for table records. We can't use table behaviors directly, because it completely breaks the conception of methods separation based on the roles. In case of table behaviors we can't define methods for different roles for same instance as all class objects will have access to all roles methods.
So we're going to implement the behaviors like roles on the entity level.
- RoleBehavior layer that mimics CakePHP's behavior system but for entities:
classDiagram class RoleBehavior { #EntityInterface _entity #array _config #array _defaultConfig +__construct(entity: EntityInterface, config: array) +initialize(config: array): void +getConfig(key: string|null, default: mixed): mixed hasProperty(property: string): bool getProperty(property: string): mixed setProperty(property: string, value: mixed): void +implementedMethods(): array +implementedEvents(): array } class ObjectRegistry { #_resolveClassName(class: string): string #_create(class: string, alias: string, config: array): object #_resolveKey(name: string): string +clear(): void } class RoleRegistry { -EntityInterface _entity +__construct(entity: EntityInterface) #_resolveClassName(class: string): string #_create(class: string, alias: string, config: array): RoleBehavior #_resolveKey(name: string): string +clear(): void #_throwMissingClassError(class: string, plugin: string|null): void } class RoleAwareEntity { -RoleRegistry|null _roles -array _roleMethods #_getRoleRegistry(): RoleRegistry +addRole(role: string, config: array): void +removeRole(role: string): void +hasRole(role: string): bool #getRole(role: string): RoleBehavior +__call(method: string, arguments: array) +hasMethod(method: string): bool } ObjectRegistry <|-- RoleRegistry RoleAwareEntity o-- RoleRegistry RoleRegistry o-- RoleBehavior RoleAwareEntity ..> RoleBehavior
// /src/Model/Role/RoleBehavior.php
namespace App\Model\Role;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use Cake\Event\EventDispatcherInterface;
use Cake\Event\EventDispatcherTrait;
abstract class RoleBehavior implements EventDispatcherInterface
use EventDispatcherTrait;
protected EntityInterface $_entity;
protected array $_config;
protected $_defaultConfig = [];
public function __construct(EntityInterface $entity, array $config = [])
$this->_entity = $entity;
$this->_config = array_merge($this->_defaultConfig, $config);
* Initialize hook - like CakePHP behaviors
public function initialize(array $config): void
* Get behavior config
public function getConfig(?string $key = null, $default = null): mixed
if ($key === null) {
return $this->_config;
return $this->_config[$key] ?? $default;
* Check if entity has specific property/method
protected function hasProperty(string $property): bool
return $this->_entity->has($property);
* Get entity property
protected function getProperty(string $property): mixed
return $this->_entity->get($property);
* Set entity property
protected function setProperty(string $property, mixed $value): void
$this->_entity->set($property, $value);
* Get implemented methods - similar to CakePHP behaviors
public function implementedMethods(): array
return [];
* Get implemented events
public function implementedEvents(): array
return [];
- Now we can create a RoleRegistry to manage roles for entities:
// /src/Model/Role/RoleRegistry.php
namespace App\Model\Role;
use Cake\Core\ObjectRegistry;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use InvalidArgumentException;
class RoleRegistry extends ObjectRegistry
private EntityInterface $_entity;
public function __construct(EntityInterface $entity)
$this->_entity = $entity;
* Should return a string identifier for the object being loaded.
* @param string $class The class name to register.
* @return string
protected function _resolveClassName(string $class): string
if (class_exists($class)) {
return $class;
$className = 'App\\Model\\Role\\' . $class . 'Role';
if (!class_exists($className)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Role class for '{$class}' not found");
return $className;
* Create an instance of a role.
* @param string $class The class to create.
* @param string $alias The alias of the role.
* @param array $config The config array for the role.
* @return \App\Model\Role\RoleBehavior
protected function _create($class, string $alias, array $config): RoleBehavior
return new $class($this->_entity, $config);
* Get the key used to store roles in the registry.
* @param string $name The role name to get a key for.
* @return string
protected function _resolveKey(string $name): string
return strtolower($name);
* Clear all roles from the registry.
* @return void
public function clear(): void
* @inheritDoc
protected function _throwMissingClassError(string $class, ?string $plugin): void
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Role class for '{$class}' not found");
- And add role support to Entity:
// /src/Model/Entity/RoleAwareEntity.php
namespace App\Model\Entity;
use App\Model\Role\RoleBehavior;
use App\Model\Role\RoleRegistry;
use Cake\ORM\Entity;
use BadMethodCallException;
class RoleAwareEntity extends Entity
private ?RoleRegistry $_roles = null;
private array $_roleMethods = [];
protected function _getRoleRegistry(): RoleRegistry
if ($this->_roles === null) {
$this->_roles = new RoleRegistry($this);
return $this->_roles;
public function addRole(string $role, array $config = []): void
$roleInstance = $this->_getRoleRegistry()->load($role, $config);
foreach ($roleInstance->implementedMethods() as $method => $callable) {
$this->_roleMethods[$method] = $role;
public function removeRole(string $role): void
$this->_roleMethods = array_filter(
fn($roleType) => $roleType !== $role
public function hasRole(string $role): bool
return $this->_getRoleRegistry()->has($role);
protected function getRole(string $role): RoleBehavior
return $this->_getRoleRegistry()->load($role);
public function __call(string $method, array $arguments)
if (isset($this->_roleMethods[$method])) {
$role = $this->getRole($this->_roleMethods[$method]);
return $role->$method(...$arguments);
throw new BadMethodCallException(sprintf(
'Method %s::%s does not exist',
public function hasMethod(string $method): bool
return isset($this->_roleMethods[$method]);
Now our Account entity can use roles:
// /src/Model/Entity/ComplexAccount.php namespace App\Model\Entity; /** * @method void withdraw(float $amount) * @method bool canWithdraw(float $amount) * @method void deposit(float $amount) * @method bool canDeposit(float $amount) * @method void logOperation(string $operation, array $data) * @method void notify(string $type, array $data) */ class ComplexAccount extends RoleAwareEntity { protected array $_accessible = [ 'balance' => true, 'account_type' => true, 'status' => true, 'is_frozen' => true, 'created' => true, 'modified' => true ]; }
Let's rewrite the money transfer example using our new role layer system:
classDiagram class AuditableBehavior { #Table _auditLogsTable +initialize(config: array): void +logOperation(table: Table, foreignKey: int, operation: string, data: array) } class RoleBehavior { #EntityInterface _entity #array _config #array _defaultConfig +initialize(config: array) +getConfig(key: string|null): mixed #hasProperty(property: string): bool #getProperty(property: string): mixed #setProperty(property: string, value: mixed) } class AuditableRole { +implementedMethods(): array +logOperation(operation: string, data: array): void } class TransferSourceRole { #ComplexAccount _entity #_defaultConfig: array +implementedMethods(): array +withdraw(amount: float): void +canWithdraw(amount: float): bool } class TransferDestinationRole { #ComplexAccount _entity #_defaultConfig: array +implementedMethods(): array +deposit(amount: float): void +canDeposit(amount: float): bool } class MoneyTransferContext { -ComplexAccount source -ComplexAccount destination -float amount -ComplexAccountsTable ComplexAccounts +__construct(ComplexAccountsTable, source, destination, amount, config) -attachRoles(config: array): void +execute(): void -detachRoles(): void } class ComplexAccountsController { +ComplexAccounts +initialize(): void +transfer() } RoleBehavior <|-- AuditableRole RoleBehavior <|-- TransferSourceRole RoleBehavior <|-- TransferDestinationRole MoneyTransferContext --> TransferSourceRole : uses MoneyTransferContext --> TransferDestinationRole : uses MoneyTransferContext --> AuditableRole : uses ComplexAccountsController --> MoneyTransferContext : creates AuditableRole ..> AuditableBehavior : uses note for TransferSourceRole "Handles withdrawal operations\nand balance validation" note for TransferDestinationRole "Handles deposit operations\nand deposit limits" note for AuditableRole "Provides audit logging\ncapabilities" note for MoneyTransferContext "Orchestrates money transfer\nwith role management"
// /src/Model/Role/TransferSourceRole.php
namespace App\Model\Role;
use App\Model\Entity\ComplexAccount;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
class TransferSourceRole extends RoleBehavior
* @var ComplexAccount
protected EntityInterface $_entity;
protected $_defaultConfig = [
'field' => 'balance',
'minimumBalance' => 0
public function implementedMethods(): array
return [
'withdraw' => 'withdraw',
'canWithdraw' => 'canWithdraw'
public function withdraw(float $amount): void
if (!$this->canWithdraw($amount)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot withdraw: insufficient funds or invalid amount');
$balanceField = $this->getConfig('field');
$currentBalance = $this->getProperty($balanceField);
$this->_entity->logOperation('pre_withdrawal', [
'amount' => $amount,
'current_balance' => $currentBalance
$this->setProperty($balanceField, $currentBalance - $amount);
$this->_entity->logOperation('post_withdrawal', [
'amount' => $amount,
'new_balance' => $this->getProperty($balanceField)
public function canWithdraw(float $amount): bool
if ($amount <= 0) {
return false;
$balanceField = $this->getConfig('field');
$minimumBalance = $this->getConfig('minimumBalance');
return $this->getProperty($balanceField) - $amount >= $minimumBalance &&
$this->getProperty('status') === 'active' &&
// /src/Model/Role/TransferDestinationRole.php
namespace App\Model\Role;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
class TransferDestinationRole extends RoleBehavior
* @var ComplexAccount
protected EntityInterface $_entity;
protected $_defaultConfig = [
'field' => 'balance',
'maxDeposit' => null
public function implementedMethods(): array
return [
'deposit' => 'deposit',
'canDeposit' => 'canDeposit'
public function deposit(float $amount): void
if (!$this->canDeposit($amount)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Cannot deposit: invalid amount or limit exceeded');
$balanceField = $this->getConfig('field');
$currentBalance = $this->getProperty($balanceField);
$this->_entity->logOperation('pre_deposit', [
'amount' => $amount,
'current_balance' => $currentBalance
$this->setProperty($balanceField, $currentBalance + $amount);
$this->_entity->logOperation('post_deposit', [
'amount' => $amount,
'new_balance' => $this->getProperty($balanceField)
public function canDeposit(float $amount): bool
if ($amount <= 0) {
return false;
$maxDeposit = $this->getConfig('maxDeposit');
return ($maxDeposit === null || $amount <= $maxDeposit) &&
$this->getProperty('status') === 'active' &&
- Lets implement audit functionality to show more complex role usage.
// /src/Model/Role/AuditableRole.php
namespace App\Model\Role;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class AuditableRole extends RoleBehavior
public function implementedMethods(): array
return [
'logOperation' => 'logOperation'
public function logOperation(string $operation, array $data): void
$table = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get($this->_entity->getSource());
$table->logOperation($table, $this->_entity->id, $operation, $data);
// /src/Model/Behavior/AuditableBehavior.php
namespace App\Model\Behavior;
use Cake\ORM\Behavior;
use Cake\ORM\Table;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class AuditableBehavior extends Behavior
protected array $_defaultConfig = [
'implementedMethods' => [
'logOperation' => 'logOperation',
protected Table $_auditLogsTable;
public function initialize(array $config): void
$this->_auditLogsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('AuditLogs');
public function logOperation(Table $table, int $foreignKey, string $operation, array $data = [])
$log = $this->_auditLogsTable->newEntity([
'model' => $table->getAlias(),
'foreign_key' => $foreignKey,
'operation' => $operation,
'data' => json_encode($data),
'created' => new \DateTime()
return $this->_auditLogsTable->save($log);
- Lets take a look on improved context implementation.
// /src/Context/MoneyTransfer/MoneyTransferContext.php
namespace App\Context\MoneyTransfer;
use App\Model\Entity\ComplexAccount;
use App\Model\Table\ComplexAccountsTable;
class MoneyTransferContext
private readonly ComplexAccount $source;
private readonly ComplexAccount $destination;
private readonly float $amount;
private readonly ComplexAccountsTable $ComplexAccounts;
public function __construct(
ComplexAccountsTable $ComplexAccounts,
ComplexAccount $source,
ComplexAccount $destination,
float $amount,
array $config = []
) {
$this->source = $source;
$this->destination = $destination;
$this->amount = $amount;
$this->ComplexAccounts = $ComplexAccounts;
private function attachRoles(array $config): void
$this->source->addRole('TransferSource', $config['source'] ?? []);
$this->destination->addRole('TransferDestination', $config['destination'] ?? []);
public function execute(): void
try {
$this->ComplexAccounts->getConnection()->transactional(function() {
if (!$this->source->canWithdraw($this->amount)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Source cannot withdraw this amount');
if (!$this->destination->canDeposit($this->amount)) {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Destination cannot accept this deposit');
// This code will not able to work! Methods not attached not available, and logic errors does not possible to perform in context.
// $this->source->deposit($this->amount);
// $this->destination->withdraw($this->amount);
} finally {
private function detachRoles(): void
- And finally lets implements controller logic.
// /src/Controller/ComplexAccountsController.php
namespace App\Controller;
use App\Context\MoneyTransfer\MoneyTransferContext as MoneyTransfer;
class ComplexAccountsController extends AppController
public $ComplexAccounts;
public function initialize(): void
$this->ComplexAccounts = $this->fetchTable('ComplexAccounts');
public function transfer()
if ($this->request->is(['post'])) {
try {
$source = $this->ComplexAccounts->get($this->request->getData('source_id'));
$destination = $this->ComplexAccounts->get($this->request->getData('destination_id'));
$amount = (float)$this->request->getData('amount');
$transfer = new MoneyTransfer($this->ComplexAccounts, $source, $destination, $amount);
$this->Flash->success('Transfer completed successfully');
} catch (\InvalidArgumentException $e) {
$this->redirect(['action' => 'transfer']);
$this->set('complexAccounts', $this->ComplexAccounts->find('list', valueField: ['account_type', 'id'])->all());
The money transfer flow is shown in the following diagram:
sequenceDiagram participant CC as ComplexAccountsController participant MT as MoneyTransferContext participant SA as Source Account participant DA as Destination Account participant TSR as TransferSourceRole participant TDR as TransferDestinationRole participant AR as AuditableRole participant AB as AuditableBehavior participant DB as Database CC->>MT: new MoneyTransfer(accounts, source, destination, amount) activate MT MT->>SA: addRole('Auditable') MT->>SA: addRole('TransferSource') MT->>DA: addRole('Auditable') MT->>DA: addRole('TransferDestination') CC->>MT: execute() MT->>SA: canWithdraw(amount) SA->>TSR: canWithdraw(amount) TSR->>SA: getProperty('balance') TSR->>SA: getProperty('status') TSR->>SA: getProperty('is_frozen') TSR-->>MT: true/false alt Can Withdraw MT->>DA: canDeposit(amount) DA->>TDR: canDeposit(amount) TDR->>DA: getProperty('balance') TDR->>DA: getProperty('status') TDR->>DA: getProperty('is_frozen') TDR-->>MT: true/false alt Can Deposit MT->>SA: withdraw(amount) SA->>TSR: withdraw(amount) TSR->>SA: logOperation('pre_withdrawal') SA->>AR: logOperation('pre_withdrawal') AR->>AB: logOperation(table, id, operation, data) AB->>DB: save audit log TSR->>SA: setProperty(balance, newBalance) TSR->>SA: logOperation('post_withdrawal') SA->>AR: logOperation('post_withdrawal') AR->>AB: logOperation(table, id, operation, data) AB->>DB: save audit log MT->>DA: deposit(amount) DA->>TDR: deposit(amount) TDR->>DA: logOperation('pre_deposit') DA->>AR: logOperation('pre_deposit') AR->>AB: logOperation(table, id, operation, data) AB->>DB: save audit log TDR->>DA: setProperty(balance, newBalance) TDR->>DA: logOperation('post_deposit') DA->>AR: logOperation('post_deposit') AR->>AB: logOperation(table, id, operation, data) AB->>DB: save audit log MT->>DB: saveMany([source, destination]) else Cannot Deposit MT-->>CC: throw InvalidArgumentException end else Cannot Withdraw MT-->>CC: throw InvalidArgumentException end MT->>SA: removeRole('TransferSource') MT->>SA: removeRole('Auditable') MT->>DA: removeRole('TransferDestination') MT->>DA: removeRole('Auditable') deactivate MT alt Success CC->>CC: Flash.success('Transfer completed') else Error CC->>CC: Flash.error(error.message) end CC->>CC: redirect(['action' => 'transfer'])
DCI pattern helps us write safer code by controlling what objects can do at any given time. Like in our money transfer example, we make sure the source account can only take money out and the destination account can only receive money. This prevents mistakes and makes the code more secure.
Context is a great way to keep code organized and focused. It serves as an excellent implementation of the Single Responsibility Principle. Each context, like our MoneyTransferContext, does just one thing and does it well. This makes the code easier to understand and test because each piece has a clear job to do.
Even though PHP isn't as flexible as some other programming languages (for example, we can't change object behavior on the fly), we found good ways to make DCI work. Our RoleBehavior and RoleRegistry classes give us a solid way to manage different roles for our objects. CakePHP turns out to be a great framework for using the DCI pattern. We were able to build on CakePHP's existing features, like its behavior system, to create our role-based approach.
Demo Project for Article
The examples used in this article are located at and available for testing.
This article is part of the CakeDC Advent Calendar 2024 (December 15th 2024)