This article is part of the CakeDC Advent Calendar 2024 (December 19th 2024)
In our previous article, we explored the Data-Context-Interaction (DCI) pattern and its implementation in PHP using CakePHP. We demonstrated how DCI helps separate data structures from their runtime behaviors through roles and contexts, using a money transfer system as an example. Now, let's dive into testing DCI implementations using Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Behat, exploring a practical hotel room reservation system.
Room Reservation System Overview
The room reservation system demonstrates DCI's power in managing complex business rules and interactions. In this system, rooms and guests are our core data objects, while the reservation process involves multiple roles and behaviors. A room can be reservable under certain conditions (availability, capacity), and guests can have different privileges based on their loyalty levels. The reservation context orchestrates these interactions, ensuring business rules are followed and the system maintains consistency.
Database Structure
The database schema reflects our domain model with proper relationships between entities:
erDiagram rooms { id integer PK number varchar(10) type varchar(50) capacity integer base_price decimal status varchar(20) created datetime modified datetime } guests { id integer PK name varchar(100) email varchar(100) phone varchar(20) loyalty_level varchar(20) created datetime modified datetime } reservations { id integer PK room_id integer FK primary_guest_id integer FK check_in date check_out date status varchar(20) total_price decimal created datetime modified datetime } reservation_guests { id integer PK reservation_id integer FK guest_id integer FK created datetime } audit_logs { id integer PK model varchar(100) foreign_key integer operation varchar(50) data json created datetime } reservations ||--|| rooms : "has" reservations ||--|| guests : "primary guest" reservation_guests }|--|| reservations : "belongs to" reservation_guests }|--|| guests : "includes" audit_logs }|--|| reservations : "logs"
Key aspects of this schema:
- Rooms table stores physical hotel rooms with their properties
- Guests table maintains customer information including loyalty status
- Reservations table handles booking details with pricing
- Reservation_guests enables multiple guests per reservation
- Audit_logs provides system-wide operation tracking
classDiagram class Room { +String number +String type +Integer capacity +Decimal basePrice +String status } class Guest { +String name +String email +String phone +String loyaltyLevel } class Reservation { +Room room +Guest primaryGuest +Date checkIn +Date checkOut +String status +Decimal totalPrice } class ReservationGuest { +Reservation reservation +Guest guest } Reservation --> Room Reservation --> Guest ReservationGuest --> Reservation ReservationGuest --> Guest
The class diagram above shows our core data model. Each entity has specific attributes that define its state, but the interesting part comes with how these objects interact during the reservation process. Let's examine how DCI roles enhance this basic structure:
classDiagram class ReservableRoom { +isAvailableForDates(checkIn, checkOut) +canAccommodateGuests(guestCount) +calculatePrice(checkIn, checkOut) } class ReservingGuest { +canMakeReservation() +calculateDiscount(basePrice) } class RoomReservationContext { +Room room +Guest primaryGuest +List~Guest~ additionalGuests +Date checkIn +Date checkOut +execute() } Room ..|> ReservableRoom : implements Guest ..|> ReservingGuest : implements RoomReservationContext --> ReservableRoom : uses RoomReservationContext --> ReservingGuest : uses
The reservation process involves multiple interactions between objects, each playing their specific roles. The sequence diagram below illustrates how these components work together:
sequenceDiagram participant RC as ReservationsController participant RRC as RoomReservationContext participant R as Room participant G as Guest participant RR as ReservableRoom participant RG as ReservingGuest participant DB as Database RC->>RRC: new RoomReservationContext(room, guest, dates) activate RRC RRC->>R: addRole('ReservableRoom') RRC->>G: addRole('ReservingGuest') RC->>RRC: execute() RRC->>R: isAvailableForDates(checkIn, checkOut) R->>RR: isAvailableForDates(checkIn, checkOut) RR-->>RRC: true/false alt Room is available RRC->>R: canAccommodateGuests(guestCount) R->>RR: canAccommodateGuests(guestCount) RR-->>RRC: true/false alt Can accommodate guests RRC->>G: canMakeReservation() G->>RG: canMakeReservation() RG-->>RRC: true/false alt Guest can make reservation RRC->>R: calculatePrice(checkIn, checkOut) R->>RR: calculatePrice(checkIn, checkOut) RR-->>RRC: basePrice RRC->>G: calculateDiscount(basePrice) G->>RG: calculateDiscount(basePrice) RG-->>RRC: discount RRC->>DB: save reservation DB-->>RRC: success else RRC-->>RC: throw GuestCannotReserveException end else RRC-->>RC: throw CapacityExceededException end else RRC-->>RC: throw RoomNotAvailableException end RRC->>R: removeRole('ReservableRoom') RRC->>G: removeRole('ReservingGuest') deactivate RRC
This sequence diagram demonstrates the complete reservation flow, including role attachment, validation checks, price calculations, and proper error handling. Each step ensures that business rules are followed and the system maintains consistency.
Testing with Behavior-Driven Development
While our DCI implementation provides clear separation of concerns and maintainable code, we need to ensure it works correctly through comprehensive testing. Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) with Behat is particularly well-suited for testing DCI implementations because both approaches focus on behaviors and interactions.
Understanding Behat and Gherkin
Behat is a PHP framework for BDD, which allows us to write tests in natural language using Gherkin syntax. Gherkin is a business-readable domain-specific language that lets you describe software's behavior without detailing how that behavior is implemented. This aligns perfectly with DCI's focus on separating what objects are from what they do.
A typical Gherkin feature file consists of:
- Feature: A description of the functionality being tested
- Scenario: A specific situation being tested
- Given: The initial context
- When: The action being taken
- Then: The expected outcome
Setting Up Behat Testing Environment
First, add the required dependencies to your composer.json
"require-dev": {
"behat/behat": "^3.13",
"behat/mink-extension": "^2.3",
"behat/mink-browserkit-driver": "^2.1",
"dmore/behat-chrome-extension": "^1.4"
Here's how we configure Behat for our project:
# behat.yml
"": "%paths.base%/tests/Behat"
features: "%paths.base%/tests/Behat/Features/Reservation"
- App\Test\Behat\Context\ReservationContext
- App\Test\Behat\Context\DatabaseContext
base_url: 'http://localhost'
browser_stack: ~
Complete Behat Test Implementation
Our test implementation consists of several key components that work together to verify our DCI implementation:
Base Test Context Setup
The BaseContext class provides basic test infrastructure, handling test environment initialization and database connections. It loads the application bootstrap file and configures the test environment, including database connections and debug settings.
// tests/Behat/Context/BaseContext.php
namespace App\Test\Behat\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Cake\Core\Configure;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use Cake\TestSuite\ConnectionHelper;
abstract class BaseContext implements Context
public function __construct(string $bootstrap = null)
protected function initialize(): void
require_once dirname(__DIR__, 3) . '/tests/bootstrap.php';
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(__DIR__))) . '/config/bootstrap.php';
Configure::write('debug', true);
protected function getTableLocator()
return TableRegistry::getTableLocator();
Database Management and Fixtures
The DatabaseContext class handles database setup and cleanup, including table creation, data insertion, and deletion. It uses fixtures to populate the database with initial data, ensuring tests start with a known state. This setup allows for consistent testing conditions across different scenarios.
// tests/Behat/Context/DatabaseContext.php
namespace App\Test\Behat\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Hook\Scope\BeforeScenarioScope;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
class DatabaseContext extends BaseContext
private $tables = [
* @BeforeScenario
public function initializeTest(BeforeScenarioScope $scope): void
* @BeforeScenario
public function clearDatabase(): void
$connection = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()
$connection->execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = OFF');
foreach ($this->tables as $tableName) {
$connection->execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON');
* @Given the following rooms exist:
public function theFollowingRoomsExist(TableNode $rooms): void
$roomsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Rooms');
$headers = $rooms->getRow(0);
foreach ($rooms->getRows() as $i => $room) {
if ($i === 0) {
$room = array_combine($headers, $room);
$entity = $roomsTable->newEntity($room);
* @Given the following guests exist:
public function theFollowingGuestsExist(TableNode $guests)
$guestsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Guests');
$headers = $guests->getRow(0);
foreach ($guests->getRows() as $i => $guest) {
if ($i === 0) {
$guest = array_combine($headers, $guest);
$entity = $guestsTable->newEntity($guest);
* @Given the following reservations exist:
public function theFollowingReservationsExist(TableNode $reservations)
$reservationsTable = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('Reservations');
$headers = $reservations->getRow(0);
foreach ($reservations->getRows() as $i => $reservation) {
if ($i === 0) {
$reservation = array_combine($headers, $reservation);
$entity = $reservationsTable->newEntity($reservation);
Reservation Testing Context
ReservationContext implements the business logic testing for our room reservation system. It manages the test workflow for reservation creation, guest management, and verification of reservation outcomes. This context translates Gherkin steps into actual system operations, handling authentication, room selection, guest assignment, and reservation confirmation. It also captures and verifies error conditions, ensuring our DCI roles and contexts behave correctly under various scenarios.
// tests/Behat/Context/ReservationContext.php
namespace App\Test\Behat\Context;
use App\Context\RoomReservation\RoomReservationContext;
use App\Model\Entity\Guest;
use App\Model\Entity\Room;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Behat\MinkExtension\Context\RawMinkContext;
use Cake\I18n\DateTime;
use Cake\ORM\TableRegistry;
use PHPUnit\Framework\Assert;
class ReservationContext extends RawMinkContext implements Context
private ?Guest $authenticatedGuest = null;
private ?Room $selectedRoom = null;
private array $additionalGuests = [];
private ?string $lastError = null;
private ?float $totalPrice = null;
private ?array $reservationDates = null;
private ?array $lastLoggedOperation = null;
* @Given I am authenticated as :name
public function iAmAuthenticatedAs(string $name): void
$this->authenticatedGuest = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()
->where(['name' => $name])
* @When I try to reserve room :number for the following stay:
public function iTryToReserveRoomForTheFollowingStay(string $number, TableNode $table): void
$this->selectedRoom = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()
->where(['number' => $number])
$this->reservationDates = $table->getRowsHash();
* @When I add :name as an additional guest
public function iAddAsAnAdditionalGuest(string $name): void
$guest = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()
->where(['name' => $name])
$this->additionalGuests[] = $guest;
private function executeReservation(): void
if (!$this->selectedRoom || !$this->reservationDates || !$this->authenticatedGuest) {
try {
$context = new RoomReservationContext(
new DateTime($this->reservationDates['check_in']),
new DateTime($this->reservationDates['check_out'])
$reservation = $context->execute();
$this->totalPrice = (float)$reservation->total_price;
$this->lastError = null;
} catch (\Exception $e) {
$this->lastError = $e->getMessage();
* @Then the reservation should be confirmed
public function theReservationShouldBeConfirmed(): void
if ($this->lastError !== null) {
throw new \Exception("Expected reservation to be confirmed but got error: {$this->lastError}");
* @Then the total price should be :price
public function theTotalPriceShouldBe(string $price): void
$expectedPrice = (float)str_replace('"', '', $price);
if ($this->totalPrice !== $expectedPrice) {
throw new \Exception(
"Expected price to be {$expectedPrice} but got {$this->totalPrice}"
* @Then I should see an error :message
public function iShouldSeeAnError(string $message): void
if ($this->lastError === null) {
throw new \Exception("Expected error but none was thrown");
if (strpos($this->lastError, $message) === false) {
throw new \Exception(
"Expected error message '{$message}' but got '{$this->lastError}'"
* @Then the following operation should be logged:
public function theFollowingOperationShouldBeLogged(TableNode $table): void
$expectedLog = $table->getRowsHash();
$AuditLogs = TableRegistry::getTableLocator()->get('AuditLogs');
$lastOperation = $AuditLogs->find()->orderByDesc('created')->first();
Assert::assertNotNull($lastOperation, 'No operation was logged');
Assert::assertEquals($expectedLog['model'], $lastOperation->model);
Assert::assertEquals($expectedLog['operation'], $lastOperation->operation);
$expectedData = [];
foreach (explode(', ', $expectedLog['data']) as $pair) {
[$key, $value] = explode('=', $pair);
$expectedData[$key] = $value;
Assert::assertEquals($expectedData, json_decode($lastOperation->data, true));
And here's the Gherkin feature that describes tests for our reservation system:
# tests/Behat/Features/Reservation/room_reservation.feature
Feature: Room Reservation
In order to stay at the hotel
As a guest
I need to be able to make room reservations
Given the following rooms exist:
| id | number | type | capacity | base_price | status |
| 1 | 101 | standard | 2 | 100.00 | available |
| 2 | 201 | suite | 4 | 200.00 | available |
| 3 | 301 | deluxe | 3 | 150.00 | available |
And the following guests exist:
| id | name | email | phone | loyalty_level |
| 1 | John Smith | [email protected] | 1234567890 | gold |
| 2 | Jane Doe | [email protected] | 0987654321 | silver |
| 3 | Bob Wilson | [email protected] | 5555555555 | bronze |
And the following reservations exist:
| id | room_id | check_in | check_out | status | guest_id | total_price | primary_guest_id |
| 1 | 2 | 2025-06-01 | 2025-06-05 | confirmed | 2 | 200.00 | 2 |
Scenario: Successfully make a room reservation
Given I am authenticated as "John Smith"
When I try to reserve room "101" for the following stay:
| check_in | 2025-07-01 |
| check_out | 2025-07-05 |
And I add "Bob Wilson" as an additional guest
Then the reservation should be confirmed
And the total price should be "360.00"
And the following operation should be logged:
| model | Reservations |
| operation | reservation_created |
| data | room_number=101, guest_name=John Smith, check_in=2025-07-01, check_out=2025-07-05, total_price=360, additional_guests=1 |
Scenario: Cannot reserve an already booked room
Given I am authenticated as "John Smith"
When I try to reserve room "201" for the following stay:
| check_in | 2025-06-03 |
| check_out | 2025-06-07 |
Then I should see an error "Room is not available for selected dates"
Scenario: Cannot exceed room capacity
Given I am authenticated as "John Smith"
When I try to reserve room "101" for the following stay:
| check_in | 2025-08-01 |
| check_out | 2025-08-05 |
And I add "Jane Doe" as an additional guest
And I add "Bob Wilson" as an additional guest
Then I should see an error "Total number of guests (3) exceeds room capacity (2)"
Scenario: Apply loyalty discounts correctly
Given I am authenticated as "Jane Doe"
When I try to reserve room "301" for the following stay:
| check_in | 2025-09-01 |
| check_out | 2025-09-04 |
Then the reservation should be confirmed
And the total price should be "427.5"
And the following operation should be logged:
| model | Reservations |
| operation | reservation_created |
| data | room_number=301, guest_name=Jane Doe, check_in=2025-09-01, check_out=2025-09-04, total_price=427.5, additional_guests=0 |
The test context mirrors our DCI implementation in several ways:
Role Assignment: Just as our DCI implementation attaches roles to objects, our test context manages the state of actors (guests and rooms) involved in the reservation process.
Context Creation: The test creates a RoomReservationContext with all necessary participants, similar to how our application would in production.
Behavior Verification: Tests verify both successful scenarios and error conditions, ensuring our DCI roles enforce business rules correctly.
Last two scenarios demonstrate how BDD tests can effectively verify:
- Role Constraints: The ReservableRoom role's capacity constraints
- Role Behaviors: The ReservingGuest role's discount calculations
- Context Orchestration: The RoomReservationContext's coordination of multiple roles
The combination of DCI and BDD provides several benefits:
- Clear Specifications: Gherkin scenarios serve as living documentation of system behavior
- Role Verification: Each test verifies that roles implement their responsibilities correctly
- Context Validation: Tests ensure that contexts properly orchestrate role interactions
- Business Rule Enforcement: Scenarios verify that business rules are properly enforced through roles
Money Transfer Testing Example
Before concluding, let's look at how we tested the money transfer system from our previous article. This example demonstrates how BDD tests can effectively verify DCI pattern implementation:
Feature: Money Transfer
In order to move money between accounts
As an account holder
I need to be able to transfer funds between accounts
# Setup initial test data
Given the following accounts exist:
| id | balance | account_type | status | is_frozen |
| 1 | 1000.00 | checking | active | false |
| 2 | 500.00 | savings | active | false |
| 3 | 200.00 | checking | active | true |
| 4 | 300.00 | deposit_only | active | false |
# Tests basic transfer functionality and audit logging
Scenario: Successful transfer between active accounts
When I transfer "200.00" from account "1" to account "2"
Then account "1" should have balance of "800.00"
And account "2" should have balance of "700.00"
# Verifies that all transfer steps are properly logged
And an audit log should exist with:
| foreign_key | operation |
| 1 | pre_withdrawal |
| 1 | post_withdrawal |
| 2 | pre_deposit |
| 2 | post_deposit |
# Verifies role constraints - frozen accounts cannot perform withdrawals
Scenario: Cannot transfer from frozen account
When I try to transfer "100.00" from account "3" to account "2"
Then I should get an error "Source cannot withdraw this amount"
And account "3" should have balance of "200.00"
And account "2" should have balance of "500.00"
# Verifies business rule - insufficient funds
Scenario: Cannot transfer more than available balance
When I try to transfer "1200.00" from account "1" to account "2"
Then I should get an error "Source cannot withdraw this amount"
And account "1" should have balance of "1000.00"
And account "2" should have balance of "500.00"
This feature file tests several key aspects of our DCI implementation:
Role Behavior Testing
- TransferSource role's withdrawal capabilities
- TransferDestination role's deposit functionality
- Role constraints (frozen accounts, insufficient funds)
Context Orchestration
- Proper execution of the transfer process
- Transaction atomicity (all-or-nothing transfers)
- Proper cleanup of role assignments
Business Rules Verification
- Balance constraints
- Account status restrictions
- Audit trail requirements
Error Handling
- Proper error messages for various failure scenarios
- State preservation after failed transfers
- Role constraint violations
These tests ensure that our DCI implementation maintains system integrity while enforcing business rules through role behaviors and context coordination.
Testing DCI implementations with Behat creates a perfect match between how we build our software and how we test it. Let's look at why this combination works so well:
First, Behat's behavior-driven approach matches naturally with DCI's focus on what objects do rather than just what they are. When we write tests in Gherkin language, we describe actions and their results - just like DCI describes roles and their behaviors. This makes our tests easier to understand and write because they follow the same thinking pattern as our code.
Second, both DCI and BDD focus on real-world scenarios. DCI helps us organize code around actual use cases (like making a room reservation or transferring money), while Behat lets us write tests that directly reflect these same use cases. This means our tests read like a story of what the system should do, making them valuable not just for testing but also as living documentation.
Additionally, the way Behat structures tests with "Given-When-Then" steps fits perfectly with how DCI contexts work:
- "Given" steps set up our data objects
- "When" steps trigger the context's actions
- "Then" steps verify that roles performed their behaviors correctly
This natural alignment between DCI and BDD testing makes our development process more straightforward and our tests more reliable. We can be confident that our tests are checking the right things because they're structured in the same way as the system they're testing.
Demo Project for Article
The complete example, including all tests and implementations, is available at:
This article is part of the CakeDC Advent Calendar 2024 (December 19th 2024)